Healthcare Reimbursement Services

Medicare Reimbursement Specialists

Focused | Skilled | Proven

Medicare reimbursement specialists at HRS engage technical and legal resources, supplying “best practice” offerings to optimize DSH/UCC calculations and produce authoritative appeals before regulatory and judicial bodies.

Disproportionate Share (DSH) Hospitals

HRS offers a wide variety of DSH services including DSH/UCC calculation optimization, analysis and strategic services for accurate S-10 reporting, all designed to maximize DSH factor 1&3 reimbursements.

Disability Advocacy Service

SSI and SSDI eligible patients often slip through a hospital’s Medicaid screening process. HRS Disability Advocacy Service identifies and advocates for their rights to benefits – converting uninsured patients to Medicaid and/or Medicare coverage.


340B Hospitals partner with outside pharmacies, taking advantage of deeply discounted drugs for outpatient prescriptions, and sharing margin revenue as a result.

Bad Debt Listings

With Crossover Bad Debt and Charity Care reimbursements on the decline, HRS offers solutions that help increase reimbursement potential and decrease possible compliance issues, focusing on accuracy and thoroughness.

Appeals and Reopenings

Utilizing top notch counsel with extensive experience before the PRRB and in Federal Court, HRS offers hospitals several appeal opportunities, with a “no risk” contingency-based fee structure.


HRS’ security risk management process covers the administrative, physical, and technical processes addressing compliance requirements that govern electronic information data entry, processing, transmission, storage and retrieval.

Privacy Policy

HRS respects the privacy of its clients and their patients. HIPAA compliance is fully adhered to. For more information about our Privacy Policy, follow this link.